The problem of Global Environmental Change is generated, mainly, because there are more than 7 billion people in the world who, with our daily actions, pollute and generate carbon dioxide. Although the quantities emitted by each individual in a particular way doesn’t seem like a threat, the sum of all the emissions of all the inhabitants of the planet constitutes a serious difficulty for its balance.

But at the root of the problem there’s also the solution.

Once we understand that the combined action of human beings can destroy the planet, we also discover that it can save it.

It is encouraging to think that the solution is possible , and achieve it doesn’t require a great individual effort: just by being a little more responsible and modifying some daily behaviors, we will achieve a great change in the short term, since the sum of these small individual actions, multiplied by millions, is the big change we need.

For this reason, it is extremely important that you discuss these issues with your friends and family, so everyone can join the change.

We are the problem but also the solution.

Human activity generates six gigatons of carbon dioxide a year, but the Earth can only recycle three. The rest accumulates each year in the atmosphere, intensifying the greenhouse effect. That is why it is important to limit our emissions immediately. It is essential to understand that any small contribution counts. All the tips described here will not only help to fight the climate change, but will also mean great savings in your expenses and an improvement in your life’s quality.



•Turn off the lights when you don’t need them. Turning off 5 lights in corridors and rooms of the house when you are not using them avoid 400 kg. of annual CO2 emissions. Make the last person to leave the workplace responsible for turning off lights and electrical appliances.

•Use fluorescent tubes where you need more light and it is turn on for many hours (kitchen, as example)

•Use low-consumption light bulbs (or lamps): only one of them can avoid 400 kg. of annual CO2 emissions. They also last 10 times longer than conventional bulbs. Although they cost more than the standard, they are cheaper throughout their useful life given their longer duration and lower consumption.

•As far as you can, switch to LED lamps: these lamps are the future of lighting, they have a useful life of about 100,000 hours, they work for years without producing any waste, and above all, they save a lot of energy.

•Clean bulbs and screens from time to timedust reduces brightness.

Allow sunlight inside your house: reduce your CO2 emissions and save on your electricity bill by making the most of natural light.•Los colores claros en las paredes, techos y suelos, y la colocación de espejos para reflejar la luz del día, te ayudaran para aprovechar mejor la iluminación natural y reducir la artificial.

•Light colors on the walls, ceilings and floors, and the placement of mirrors to reflect daylight will help you to take better advantage of natural lighting and reduce artificial lighting.


•Buy appliances with class A or B energy labeling, whose energy consumption is optimized

•Do not leave electrical appliances in stand-by mode: use the on/off function of the device itself. A television that remains on for 3 hours a day (the average number of hours we watch television), and in stand-by mode the remaining 21 hours, will consume approximately 40% of the total energy in stand-by mode. A good idea in these cases is the use of  multiple electrical plug socket extension to connect all the audio and TV equipment in the house. In this way, you can turn them all off at once without having to unplug them when leaving your home. This way you will save up to 10% in electricity consumption (approximately 200,000 W per year).•Desconecta el cargador del celular cuando no lo utilices. Incluso cuando no está conectado al teléfono, consume electricidad. Existen cálculos que señalan que el 95% de la energía se pierde cuando dejas el cargador enchufado todo el tiempo.

•Unplug the cell phone charger when you are not using it: even when not connected to the phone, it consumes electricity. There are estimates that 95% of power is lost when you leave the charger plugged in all the time.

•Turn off the computer when you are out of the office during long meetings or at lunchtime. Thus, you can save up to 20% in daily electricity consumption.


•Reduce the heating power. By lowering the temperature only 1°C can reduce your bill between 5 and 10%and avoid up to 300 kg of C02 emissions per household per year.

•Program the thermostat so that, during the night or when you are not at home, it lowers the temperature, and when you wake up or come home the temperature is comfortable again. This will reduce the bill between 7 and 15%.

•Improves the insulation of the house, since half of the energy consumed in a home escapes through windows, cracks or doors. Insulation is therefore the key word to save energy.

• Install double-glazed windows40% of the heat leaks at home are produced through the windows. Double glazing cuts losses in half and allows you to save 20% of the energy you spend on heating. You will also avoid annoying noises from the outside and preserve the interior temperature for longer. This is for both heating and cooling the house.

• Install adhesive weatherstripping on window and door closures. They will allow you to save between 5 and 10% of energy, which is the heat that escapes precisely through the cracks and closures of the windows and exterior doors.

•Open windows only long enough to renew the air in a room: if you leave them open too long, you will lose the heat or cold that you have generated. To fully ventilate a room, it is enough to open the windows for about 10 minutes: no additional time is needed to renew the air and energy is wasted.

•Try to keep the temperature in the house always slightly below 20˚C: remember that each degree that you increase the temperature of the heating will be consuming between 5 and 7% more energy.

•Close the blinds and curtains at night: you will avoid significant losses of heat or cold.

•Don’t let your home’s heat escape: when you airout your house, open the windows for just a few minutes. If you leave a small opening all day, the energy required to keep the interior warm during the six coldest months will be almost a ton of CO2 emissions.


• Keep cool with a fan. Air conditioners consume a lot of energy: an air conditioner in a medium-sized room operates at 1,000 watts, generating emissions of about 650 grams of CO2 per day. Fans are a good alternative. If not, use the air conditioner moderately and look for the most efficient models (with energy label A or B).


• Boil just the right amount of water. By boiling only enough water for your cup of tea, you will save a great deal of energy.
• Cover the pot while cooking. This will save a lot of energy when preparing your meal. Even better are pressure cookers and steamers, which save around 70% energy.
• Electric kitchens consume three times more energy than gas kitchens.
• When you can, prefer the microwave to the oven.
• Avoid opening the oven door when it is being used: every time you open it, at least 20% of the heat accumulated inside is lost.
• Take advantage of the residual heat in the oven by turning it off about five minutes before finishing cooking.
• Try to make the most of the capacity of the oven and cook, if possible at once, as many foods as possible. For cooking longer than one hour, it is usually not necessary to preheat the oven.

• Defrost food in the refrigerator. It will avoid the power consumption of the oven or microwave for defrosting.


• Do not put hot or warm food in the refrigerator: you will save energy if you let them cool down first.
• Move your refrigerator. If it is near the fire or the stove, it will consume much more energy than if it is away from them. If you cannot rearrange the furniture and appliances in your kitchen, find out to place a thermal insulator between them, that will help a lot in the efficiency of the operation of each appliance.
• Clean dust from the coils behind your refrigerator to help disperse heat and improve energy efficiency. A refrigerator with dirty coils can use 30% more electricity!
• The recommended temperature for a refrigerator is 1 to 4º C and that of the freezer, -18º C. Each degree below these temperatures does not influence the proper preservation of food, but it does increase energy consumption by 5% .
• Defrost the refrigerator before the layer of ice reaches 3 mm thick: this will make the most of the cold in your freezer.
• Open the refrigerator and freezer doors for as little time as possible to prevent the cold from escaping. A few seconds are enough to lose a good part of the accumulated cold.
• The use of a refrigerator labeled with the letter A, depending on its energy efficiency, reduces 81 kg of CO2 per year compared to a C.


• Use the washing machine only when you have enough clothes to fill it. It’s not necessary to set too high the washing temperature: today’s soaps are so efficient that they clean clothes at low temperatures.
• Regularly clean the filter of the washing machine: it will work better and save energy.


• Use the dryer only when absolutely necessary: each drying cycle produces about 3 kg of CO2 emissions.
• Drying clothes naturally is undoubtedly the best way to do it: the clothes will last longer and the energy used is free and non-polluting.


• Moderate the use of the dishwasher: try to use it when its completely full.
• Today’s detergents clean dishes with water at low temperatures.
• Washing dishes with the tap open consumes enormous amounts of water, and this can be easily avoided by using a sink plug.


• Shower instead of bathing: you will consume four times less energy and you will be able to save between 100 and 200 liters of water (and you’ll be just as clean!)
• Close the tap well when you brush your teeth and you will save several liters of water (between 10 and 20 liters). You can use a glass when you brush your teeth. You can also turn off the faucet while soaping your hands or shaving. Never leave the water running.
• Fix leaks: although it may seem small, a leaky faucet can lose enough water to fill a bathtub in a month.
• Saving water entails saving energy, since the water is driven into our homes by electric pumps.
• Heating the water with gas instead of electricity, prevents each family from emitting up to half a ton of CO2 into the atmosphere per year.


• Recycle paper, metal, and plastics: you can stop emitting 1 ton of CO2 per year by recycling only half of your household waste.
• Reuse plastic bags or take your own bags to the supermarket: each bag that ends up in the garbage takes between 100 and 150 years to decompose!
• When buying two similar products, choose the one with less packaging: it can stop emitting 544 kg a year if the waste derived from packaging is reduced by 10%.
• Avoid buying food and drinks in plastic containers. Prioritize glass containers.


• Keep your roofs, terraces and balconies as green as possible, fill outdoor environments with plants.
• Vegetation and plants are thermal insulators, reduce the effects of winds and pollution by particles in the air. They also consume CO2 and produce oxygen.


• Systems with accumulation of hot water, or ‘hot water tanks’ are more efficient than systems of instantaneous production and without accumulation (water heaters).
• Setting the hot water preparation temperature above 60˚C wastes energy and can cause very important corrosion and obstructions in the installation pipes.
• Rationalizes water consumption.
• A temperature between 30 and 35˚C is more than enough to have a feeling of comfort when it comes to hygiene.



• Means of transport and cargo represent a large percentage of the CO2 that is released into the atmosphere regulary. That is why it is so important to pay special attention to how we use them, since this is one of the areas where emissions can be cut the most.

• For every liter of fuel that a car engine burns, an average of 2.5 kg of CO2 is released.

•By walking, cycling or using public transport you can save almost half a kg of CO2 per kilometer by not using your car.

• Avoid car journeys for short distances, because fuel consumption and CO2 emissions are much higher when the engine is still cold. Studies show that one out of every two urban trips by car is less than three kilometers, a distance that can be easily covered by bicycle or on foot.

• If you are going to change cars, take into account the fuel consumption of the new vehicle.

• Do not warm up the car engine before leaving; the amount of fuel you consume at that time is greater than the amount you save if you start the journey with a cold engine. In addition, current engines no longer need to be preheated.

• Make sure the tires have the right pressure; If the pressure drops 0.5 bar, your car will consume 2.5% more fuel to overcome the resistance and therefore release 2.5% more CO2. Wearing properly inflated tires reduces fuel consumption by up to 3% and the consequent emission into the atmosphere.

• Don’t run: you will use less gasoline and emit less CO2. Going over 120km/h increases fuel consumption by 30%, compared to a speed of 80km/h. The fourth, fifth and sixth gears are the most economical when it comes to fuel consumption.

• Have you heard about eco-driving? You can reduce fuel consumption by 5%. Starting the car’s engine without pressing the accelerator pedal got into gear as soon as possible and kept the speed constant.

• Use air conditioning sparingly. When the car’s air conditioning is on, fuel consumption and CO2 emissions increase by about 5%.

• Bicycles do not pollute or generate greenhouse gases and above all, and its good for your health!

• Share car trips with colleagues or neighbors.



• It is important that you be part of the change, one way is to make your friends and family understand about environmental problems so that they become aware and start making these small necessary changes.

• Contribute to an organization that supports environmental causes.

• Support politicians who are working on issues of environmental protection and climate change. In several countries in the region, “green” parties are already very popular.

• Participate and support afforestation and reforestation campaigns




• Buy eco-efficient equipment.

• Turn off the lights at the end of the day or directly avoid using them. Many modern offices have large windows and do not need artificial light during the day. Turning them on will not make the company look better, on the contrary, it will give an image of waste and lack of respect for the environment.

• Unplug computers and other devices when leaving the office or when they are not in use.

• Print paper documents as little as possible and try to use recycled paper.



• Before going on vacation, turn off the lights and don’t forget to unplug all the appliances you can to save electricity. If you leave appliances plugged in, they will continue to consume power even when they are turned off.

• If you are between two destinations, choose the closest one.

• If possible, use the train more, and less the plane or the bus.



• Waste is a potential source of energy and raw materials that can be used in production cycles. In fact, much of the garbage that is generated is recoverable or recyclable.

• Reducing the volume of garbage generated, either through recycling or sustainable purchasing, reduces emissions.

• It must be taken into account that some types of paper, such as laminated, adhesive, waxed, fax, etc. they cannot be recycled.

• Glass is 100% recyclable: for each bottle that is recycled, the energy required to keep a television on for 3 hoursor the energy required by 5 energy saving 20 W lamps for 4 hours, is saved!

• The manufacture of aluminum is one of the industrial processes with the highest energy consumption and the greatest environmental impact. Moderate the use of aluminum foil and try not to consume products that come in these containers, such as soda and beer, deodorant sprays, etc.

• Reducing garbage also consists of rejecting the different types of containers or packages when they do not fulfill an essential function.



•Turn off the lights when you don’t need them. Turning off 5 lights in corridors and rooms of the house when you are not using them avoid 400 kg. of annual CO2 emissions. Make the last person to leave the workplace responsible for turning off lights and electrical appliances.

•Use fluorescent tubes where you need more light and it is turn on for many hours (kitchen, as example)

•Use low-consumption light bulbs (or lamps): only one of them can avoid 400 kg. of annual CO2 emissions. They also last 10 times longer than conventional bulbs. Although they cost more than the standard, they are cheaper throughout their useful life given their longer duration and lower consumption.

•As far as you can, switch to LED lamps: these lamps are the future of lighting, they have a useful life of about 100,000 hours, they work for years without producing any waste, and above all, they save a lot of energy.

•Clean bulbs and screens from time to timedust reduces brightness.

Allow sunlight inside your house: reduce your CO2 emissions and save on your electricity bill by making the most of natural light.•Los colores claros en las paredes, techos y suelos, y la colocación de espejos para reflejar la luz del día, te ayudaran para aprovechar mejor la iluminación natural y reducir la artificial.

•Light colors on the walls, ceilings and floors, and the placement of mirrors to reflect daylight will help you to take better advantage of natural lighting and reduce artificial lighting.


•Buy appliances with class A or B energy labeling, whose energy consumption is optimized

•Do not leave electrical appliances in stand-by mode: use the on/off function of the device itself. A television that remains on for 3 hours a day (the average number of hours we watch television), and in stand-by mode the remaining 21 hours, will consume approximately 40% of the total energy in stand-by mode. A good idea in these cases is the use of  multiple electrical plug socket extension to connect all the audio and TV equipment in the house. In this way, you can turn them all off at once without having to unplug them when leaving your home. This way you will save up to 10% in electricity consumption (approximately 200,000 W per year).•Desconecta el cargador del celular cuando no lo utilices. Incluso cuando no está conectado al teléfono, consume electricidad. Existen cálculos que señalan que el 95% de la energía se pierde cuando dejas el cargador enchufado todo el tiempo.

•Unplug the cell phone charger when you are not using it: even when not connected to the phone, it consumes electricity. There are estimates that 95% of power is lost when you leave the charger plugged in all the time.

•Turn off the computer when you are out of the office during long meetings or at lunchtime. Thus, you can save up to 20% in daily electricity consumption.


•Reduce the heating power. By lowering the temperature only 1°C can reduce your bill between 5 and 10%and avoid up to 300 kg of C02 emissions per household per year.

•Program the thermostat so that, during the night or when you are not at home, it lowers the temperature, and when you wake up or come home the temperature is comfortable again. This will reduce the bill between 7 and 15%.

•Improves the insulation of the house, since half of the energy consumed in a home escapes through windows, cracks or doors. Insulation is therefore the key word to save energy.

• Install double-glazed windows40% of the heat leaks at home are produced through the windows. Double glazing cuts losses in half and allows you to save 20% of the energy you spend on heating. You will also avoid annoying noises from the outside and preserve the interior temperature for longer. This is for both heating and cooling the house.

• Install adhesive weatherstripping on window and door closures. They will allow you to save between 5 and 10% of energy, which is the heat that escapes precisely through the cracks and closures of the windows and exterior doors.

•Open windows only long enough to renew the air in a room: if you leave them open too long, you will lose the heat or cold that you have generated. To fully ventilate a room, it is enough to open the windows for about 10 minutes: no additional time is needed to renew the air and energy is wasted.

•Try to keep the temperature in the house always slightly below 20˚C: remember that each degree that you increase the temperature of the heating will be consuming between 5 and 7% more energy.

•Close the blinds and curtains at night: you will avoid significant losses of heat or cold.

•Don’t let your home’s heat escape: when you airout your house, open the windows for just a few minutes. If you leave a small opening all day, the energy required to keep the interior warm during the six coldest months will be almost a ton of CO2 emissions.


• Keep cool with a fan. Air conditioners consume a lot of energy: an air conditioner in a medium-sized room operates at 1,000 watts, generating emissions of about 650 grams of CO2 per day. Fans are a good alternative. If not, use the air conditioner moderately and look for the most efficient models (with energy label A or B).


• Boil just the right amount of water. By boiling only enough water for your cup of tea, you will save a great deal of energy.
• Cover the pot while cooking. This will save a lot of energy when preparing your meal. Even better are pressure cookers and steamers, which save around 70% energy.
• Electric kitchens consume three times more energy than gas kitchens.
• When you can, prefer the microwave to the oven.
• Avoid opening the oven door when it is being used: every time you open it, at least 20% of the heat accumulated inside is lost.
• Take advantage of the residual heat in the oven by turning it off about five minutes before finishing cooking.
• Try to make the most of the capacity of the oven and cook, if possible at once, as many foods as possible. For cooking longer than one hour, it is usually not necessary to preheat the oven.

• Defrost food in the refrigerator. It will avoid the power consumption of the oven or microwave for defrosting.


• Do not put hot or warm food in the refrigerator: you will save energy if you let them cool down first.
• Move your refrigerator. If it is near the fire or the stove, it will consume much more energy than if it is away from them. If you cannot rearrange the furniture and appliances in your kitchen, find out to place a thermal insulator between them, that will help a lot in the efficiency of the operation of each appliance.
• Clean dust from the coils behind your refrigerator to help disperse heat and improve energy efficiency. A refrigerator with dirty coils can use 30% more electricity!
• The recommended temperature for a refrigerator is 1 to 4º C and that of the freezer, -18º C. Each degree below these temperatures does not influence the proper preservation of food, but it does increase energy consumption by 5% .
• Defrost the refrigerator before the layer of ice reaches 3 mm thick: this will make the most of the cold in your freezer.
• Open the refrigerator and freezer doors for as little time as possible to prevent the cold from escaping. A few seconds are enough to lose a good part of the accumulated cold.
• The use of a refrigerator labeled with the letter A, depending on its energy efficiency, reduces 81 kg of CO2 per year compared to a C.


• Use the washing machine only when you have enough clothes to fill it. It’s not necessary to set too high the washing temperature: today’s soaps are so efficient that they clean clothes at low temperatures.
• Regularly clean the filter of the washing machine: it will work better and save energy.


• Use the dryer only when absolutely necessary: each drying cycle produces about 3 kg of CO2 emissions.
• Drying clothes naturally is undoubtedly the best way to do it: the clothes will last longer and the energy used is free and non-polluting.


• Moderate the use of the dishwasher: try to use it when its completely full.
• Today’s detergents clean dishes with water at low temperatures.
• Washing dishes with the tap open consumes enormous amounts of water, and this can be easily avoided by using a sink plug.


• Shower instead of bathing: you will consume four times less energy and you will be able to save between 100 and 200 liters of water (and you’ll be just as clean!)
• Close the tap well when you brush your teeth and you will save several liters of water (between 10 and 20 liters). You can use a glass when you brush your teeth. You can also turn off the faucet while soaping your hands or shaving. Never leave the water running.
• Fix leaks: although it may seem small, a leaky faucet can lose enough water to fill a bathtub in a month.
• Saving water entails saving energy, since the water is driven into our homes by electric pumps.
• Heating the water with gas instead of electricity, prevents each family from emitting up to half a ton of CO2 into the atmosphere per year.


• Recycle paper, metal, and plastics: you can stop emitting 1 ton of CO2 per year by recycling only half of your household waste.
• Reuse plastic bags or take your own bags to the supermarket: each bag that ends up in the garbage takes between 100 and 150 years to decompose!
• When buying two similar products, choose the one with less packaging: it can stop emitting 544 kg a year if the waste derived from packaging is reduced by 10%.
• Avoid buying food and drinks in plastic containers. Prioritize glass containers.


• Keep your roofs, terraces and balconies as green as possible, fill outdoor environments with plants.
• Vegetation and plants are thermal insulators, reduce the effects of winds and pollution by particles in the air. They also consume CO2 and produce oxygen.


• Systems with accumulation of hot water, or ‘hot water tanks’ are more efficient than systems of instantaneous production and without accumulation (water heaters).
• Setting the hot water preparation temperature above 60˚C wastes energy and can cause very important corrosion and obstructions in the installation pipes.
• Rationalizes water consumption.
• A temperature between 30 and 35˚C is more than enough to have a feeling of comfort when it comes to hygiene.



• Means of transport and cargo represent a large percentage of the CO2 that is released into the atmosphere regulary. That is why it is so important to pay special attention to how we use them, since this is one of the areas where emissions can be cut the most.

• For every liter of fuel that a car engine burns, an average of 2.5 kg of CO2 is released.

•By walking, cycling or using public transport you can save almost half a kg of CO2 per kilometer by not using your car.

• Avoid car journeys for short distances, because fuel consumption and CO2 emissions are much higher when the engine is still cold. Studies show that one out of every two urban trips by car is less than three kilometers, a distance that can be easily covered by bicycle or on foot.

• If you are going to change cars, take into account the fuel consumption of the new vehicle.

• Do not warm up the car engine before leaving; the amount of fuel you consume at that time is greater than the amount you save if you start the journey with a cold engine. In addition, current engines no longer need to be preheated.

• Make sure the tires have the right pressure; If the pressure drops 0.5 bar, your car will consume 2.5% more fuel to overcome the resistance and therefore release 2.5% more CO2. Wearing properly inflated tires reduces fuel consumption by up to 3% and the consequent emission into the atmosphere.

• Don’t run: you will use less gasoline and emit less CO2. Going over 120km/h increases fuel consumption by 30%, compared to a speed of 80km/h. The fourth, fifth and sixth gears are the most economical when it comes to fuel consumption.

• Have you heard about eco-driving? You can reduce fuel consumption by 5%. Starting the car’s engine without pressing the accelerator pedal got into gear as soon as possible and kept the speed constant.

• Use air conditioning sparingly. When the car’s air conditioning is on, fuel consumption and CO2 emissions increase by about 5%.

• Bicycles do not pollute or generate greenhouse gases and above all, and its good for your health!

• Share car trips with colleagues or neighbors.



• It is important that you be part of the change, one way is to make your friends and family understand about environmental problems so that they become aware and start making these small necessary changes.

• Contribute to an organization that supports environmental causes.

• Support politicians who are working on issues of environmental protection and climate change. In several countries in the region, “green” parties are already very popular.

• Participate and support afforestation and reforestation campaigns



• Buy eco-efficient equipment.

• Turn off the lights at the end of the day or directly avoid using them. Many modern offices have large windows and do not need artificial light during the day. Turning them on will not make the company look better, on the contrary, it will give an image of waste and lack of respect for the environment.

• Unplug computers and other devices when leaving the office or when they are not in use.

• Print paper documents as little as possible and try to use recycled paper.



• Before going on vacation, turn off the lights and don’t forget to unplug all the appliances you can to save electricity. If you leave appliances plugged in, they will continue to consume power even when they are turned off.

• If you are between two destinations, choose the closest one.

• If possible, use the train more, and less the plane or the bus.



• Waste is a potential source of energy and raw materials that can be used in production cycles. In fact, much of the garbage that is generated is recoverable or recyclable.

• Reducing the volume of garbage generated, either through recycling or sustainable purchasing, reduces emissions.

• It must be taken into account that some types of paper, such as laminated, adhesive, waxed, fax, etc. they cannot be recycled.

• Glass is 100% recyclable: for each bottle that is recycled, the energy required to keep a television on for 3 hoursor the energy required by 5 energy saving 20 W lamps for 4 hours, is saved!

• The manufacture of aluminum is one of the industrial processes with the highest energy consumption and the greatest environmental impact. Moderate the use of aluminum foil and try not to consume products that come in these containers, such as soda and beer, deodorant sprays, etc.

• Reducing garbage also consists of rejecting the different types of containers or packages when they do not fulfill an essential function.